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Name/Title Carved picture
Measurements H 7 W 95cm (H 2 3/4" W 3' 1 3/8")
Media/Materials bone on wood
Description View of Windsor Castle carved in bone by French Prisoners of War in Scotland, 1815. Prisoners of war often used their left over mutton bones from their meals to carve intricate and decorative objects. After eating the meat from the bones they were dried and bleached, cut into very fine strips by hand and carved into this fine intricate scene. Ship models were a favourite of the time carved again from bone, the rigging often made from silk or human hair created the final touches to the completed ship. The prisoners usually then sold these models to make money for their release.
Theme Art, Design and Textiles --Decorative Regimental Collections --Decorative Regimental Collections Cameronian (Scottish Rifles)
Accession No CAM.D65
